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View Example: Shepard Audacity Plugin
;nyquist plug-in ;version 1 ;type generate ;name "Shephard glissando" ;action"Creating Shephard glissando" ;info "Shephard-Risset glissando\nwritten by Erich Neuwirth" ;control pitch1 "Start pitch" real "MIDInote" 60 24 96 ;control pitch2 "End pitch" real "MIDInote" 72 24 96 ;control cpitch1 "Start filter pitch" real "MIDInote" 60 24 96 ;control cpitch2 "End filter pitch" real "MIDInote" 60 24 96 ;control overtonesemi "Overtone interval" real "MIDInote" 12 3 24 ;control overtones "Overtones" int "" 4 1 8 ;control duration "Duration" real "seconds" 1.5 0.3 30 ;control skew "Tone skewness" real "" 0.0 0.0 0.99 (setf overtones (truncate overtones)) (setf *onepi* 3.141592654) (setf *twopi* (* 2 pi)) (setf *halfpi* (/ pi 2)) (defun make-table (func-exp points) (let ((table (make-array points))) (dotimes (i points) (setf (aref table i) (funcall func-exp (/ (float i) (float points))))) (list (snd-from-array 0.0 points table) (hz-to-step 1) T) )) (defun erich-wave (skew) (make-table (lambda (x) (if (< (abs skew) 0.000001) (sin (* *twopi* x)) (* (/ (sin (* *twopi* x)) (- (/ 1.0 skew) (cos (* *twopi* x)))) (/ ( sqrt (- 1.0 (* skew skew))) skew)))) 2048)) (defun pitchenv (pitch centerpitch halfwidth) (let ((xarg (abs (/ (- (float pitch) centerpitch) halfwidth)))) (if (> xarg 1) 0 (/ (+ (cos (* *onepi* xarg)) 1.0) 2.0)) )) ; envshaper is shifted from 0 to 2 ; it transforms (0 2) into 0 1 ; to use it as envelope distorter, it has to be used like ; (shape s (envshaper) 1) (defun envshaper () (mult (sum 1 (hzosc (const (/ 1.0 2.0) 2) *table* 270)) 0.5)) ; some utility functions (defun normalize (s &optional (maxvol 0.8) (maxlen 44100)) (let* ((mysound s) (vol (peak mysound maxlen))) (scale (/ (float maxvol) vol) mysound))) (defun buffer (s t1 duration t2) (let ((timebase (hzosc (pwl (+ duration t1 t2))))) (sim timebase (at t1 (cue s))))) (defun iseq-helper (a b) (let ((mylist '())) (dotimes (i (1+ (- b a)) (reverse mylist)) (setf mylist (cons (+ a i) mylist))))) (defun iseq (a b) (if (> a b) (reverse (iseq-helper b a)) (iseq-helper a b))) (defun floor (x) (if (< x 0) (1- (truncate x)) (truncate x))) (defun realrem (x mod) (- (float x) (* (floor (/ (float x) (float mod))) (float mod)))) (defun sheptone-sweep-helper (pitch-1 centerpitch-1 duration pitch-2 centerpitch-2 overtonesemi overtones &optional (wavetable *sine-table*)) (let ((mytone (const 0 duration)) (maxovertones (+ (floor (/ (float (max (abs (- pitch-1 centerpitch-2)) (abs (- pitch-1 centerpitch-2)))) overtonesemi)) overtones 2)) (ampshaper (envshaper)) ) (dolist (i (iseq (- maxovertones) maxovertones) mytone) (progn (setf startpitch (+ pitch-1 (* i overtonesemi))) (setf endpitch (+ pitch-2 (* i overtonesemi))) (setf f (pwe 0 (step-to-hz startpitch) duration (step-to-hz endpitch))) (setf p (pwl 0 startpitch duration endpitch)) (setf c (pwl 0 centerpitch-1 duration centerpitch-2)) (setf normwidthfactor (/ 1.0 (* overtones overtonesemi))) (setf a (shape (mult (diff p c) normwidthfactor) ampshaper 1)) (setf voice (mult a (hzosc f wavetable))) (setf mytone (sum mytone voice)) ) ))) (defun sheptone-sweep (pitch-1 centerpitch-1 duration pitch-2 centerpitch-2 overtonesemi overtones &optional (wavetable *sine-table*)) (normalize (mult (sheptone-sweep-helper pitch-1 centerpitch-1 duration pitch-2 centerpitch-2 overtonesemi overtones wavetable) (env 0.05 0 0.05 1 1 1 duration))) ) (setf result (buffer (sheptone-sweep pitch1 cpitch1 duration pitch2 cpitch2 overtonesemi overtones) 0.1 duration 0.2)) result
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View Example: Shepard Audacity Plugin
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