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24  Bitwise Logical Functions

  1. logand - the bitwise AND of a list of numbers
  2. logior - the bitwise INCLUSIVE OR of a list of numbers
  3. logxor - the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of a list of numbers
  4. lognot - the bitwise NOT of a number

(logand expr...) - the bitwise AND of a list of numbers
expr - the numbers
returns - the result of the AND operation

(logior expr...) - the bitwise INCLUSIVE OR of a list of numbers
expr - the numbers
returns - the result of the INCLUSIVE OR operation

(logxor expr...) - the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of a list of numbers
expr - the numbers
returns - the result of the EXCLUSIVE OR operation

(lognot expr) - the bitwise NOT of a number
expr - the number
returns - the bitwise inversion of number

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