This is a collection of documents about
Both manuals are linked against each other and intended to be used as 'one' manual. You can jump back and forth from a function description in the 'XLISP Manual' to the description in the 'Language Reference' and vice versa with ease.
The navigation bar at the top and the bottom of each page need some explanation. From the left to right you will find the following links:
XLISP - always returns to the main page from everywhere, helping you to find your way back if you get lost in the information jungle.
XLISP 2.0 - opens the
front page of the
Contents - opens
the detailed contents page of the
Reference - opens the index page of the 'XLISP Language Reference' with links to all XLISP functions and symbols sorted in alphabetical order.
The Previous and Next links are a bit tricky. As expected they
move to the previous and next pages, but in the
During the second re-work of the 'XLISP Language Reference' I have sorted
out all functions that were related to
I also have sorted out of the 'XLISP 2.0 Manual' all functions added by
Nyquist to the XLISP interpreter to an extra page, for just the simple
reason that unlike
Things still to be done and how you can help:
First of all, please note that this is a work in progress and not a final version. There probably still are bugs and quirks that need to be resolved and you can help by writing an e-mail to if you find some and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
This does not mean that these documents are 'overloaded with
bugs' but XLISP was
In case of doubt I will prefer the Nyquist version of
Also please note that I do not want to change the David Betz manual more than necessary, because I consider it as the most original information source. Instead I whould like to improve the 'XLISP Language Reference' by better explanations and source code examples. I also have not tested really *all* examples with Nyquist yet. If you find bugs please write me an email.
If you have any further ideas or suggestions how these documents can be improved please write to