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Type:   -   system variable
Source:   -   xldbug.c




The *breakenable* system variable controls entry to the break loop and the trapping of errors. If *breakenable* is set to NIL , then no errors from the system, error and cerror will be trapped. If *breakenable* is non-NIL , the break loop will handle these errors. The break function is not affected by *breakenable* and will always force entry to the break loop. If the 'init.lsp' initialization file sets *breakenable* to  T  , errors will be trapped by the break-loop.


(setq *breakenable* NIL)   ; disable break loop
(defun foo (x) (+ x x))    ; define FOO
(foo "a")                  ; error: bad argument type 
                           ;   but did NOT enter break loop
(setq *breakenable* T)     ; enable break loop
(foo "a")                  ; error: bad argument type
                           ;   entered break loop

See the *breakenable* system variable in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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