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caar, cadr

Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xllist.c


(caar expr)
(cadr expr)
expr - a list or list expression
returns - the result of the last car function


The 'caar' and 'cadr' functions go through the list expression and perform a sequence of car / cdr operations. The sequence of operations is performed from right to left. So 'cadr' does a cdr on the expression, followed by a car. If at any point the list is NIL , NIL is returned. If at any point a car operation is performed on an atom [as opposed to a list] an error is reported:

error: bad argument


(setq mylist '((1A 1B) (2A 2B) (3A 3B)))   ; make a 2-level list

(caar mylist)   ; returns 1A
(cadr mylist)   ; returns (2A 2B)

(cdar mylist)   ; returns (1B)
(cddr mylist)   ; returns ((3A 3B))

(caar 'a)       ; error: bad argument
(caar nil)      ; returns NIL

Note: The 'cx...xr' functions are part of the historical Lisp functions. In XLISP you probably will find it much more convenient to work with the modern lisp functions like nth and nthcdr. Please read the list functions page in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

See the cxxr functions in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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