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Type:   -   special form (fsubr)
Source:   -   xlcont.c


(defun symbol arg-list body)
symbol - the name of the function being defined
arg-list - a list of the formal arguments to the function of the form:
([arg1 ... ]
 [&optional oarg1 ... ]
 [&rest rarg]
 [&key ... ]
 [&aux aux1 ... ])
body - a series of LISP forms (expressions) that are executed in order.
returns - the function symbol


The 'defun' special form defines a new function or re-defines an exisiting function. The last form in 'body' that is evaluated is the value that is returned when the function is executed.

All of the 'argN' formal arguments that are defined are required to appear in a call to the defined function.

If there are any &optional arguments defined, they will be filled in order.

If there is a &rest argument defined, and all the required formal arguments and &optional arguments are filled, any and all further parameters will be passed into the function via the 'rarg' argument. Note that there can be only one 'rarg' argument for &rest.

If there are insufficient parameters for any of the &optional or &rest arguments, they will contain NIL.

The &aux variables are a mechanism for you to define variables local to the function definition. At the end of the function execution, these local symbols and their values are are removed.


(defun my-add                          ; define function MY-ADD
  (num1 num2)                          ;   with 2 formal parameters
  (+ num1 num2))                       ;   that adds the two paramters

(my-add 1 2)                           ; returns 3

(defun foo                             ; define function FOO
  (a b &optional c d &rest e)          ;   with some of each argument
  (print a) (print b)
  (print c) (print d)                  ;   print out each
  (print e))

(foo)                                  ; error: too few arguments
(foo 1)                                ; error: too few arguments
(foo 1 2)                              ; prints 1 2 NIL NIL NIL
(foo 1 2 3)                            ; prints 1 2 3 NIL NIL
(foo 1 2 3 4)                          ; prints 1 2 3 4 NIL
(foo 1 2 3 4 5)                        ; prints 1 2 3 4 (5)
(foo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)                ; prints 1 2 3 4 (5 6 7 8 9)

(defun my-add                          ; define function MY-ADD
  (num1 &rest num-list &aux sum)       ;   with 1 arg, rest, 1 aux var
  (setq sum num1)                      ;   clear SUM
  (dotimes (i (length num-list) )      ;   loop through rest list
    (setq sum (+ sum (car num-list)))  ;      add the number to sum
    (setq num-list (cdr num-list)))    ;      and remove num from list
  sum)                                 ;   return sum when finished

(my-add 1 2 3 4)                       ; returns 10
(my-add 5 5 5 5 5)                     ; returns 25

Common Lisp: Common Lisp supports an optional documentation string as the first form in the 'body' of a defmacro or 'defun'. XLISP will accept this string as a valid form, but it will not do anything special with it.

See the defun special form in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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