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Type:   -   system variable
Source:   -   xlsym.c




The *obarray* system variable contains the system symbol table. This symbol table is an XLISP array that is constructed out of lists.


(defun lookin (sym)                  ; create a function to
  (aref *obarray*                    ;   look inside *OBARRAY*
    (hash sym (length *obarray*))))  ;   and look for a specific
                                     ;   symbol - returns a list

(lookin "CAR")                       ; returns (TEST PEEK CAR)
(lookin "car")                       ; returns NIL

Note: When looking into *obarray* or interning symbols, remember that "car" and "CAR" written as strings [with quotation marks in front and behind] are two different symbols in *obarray*. Remember also that normal symbols created by XLISP are upper case names. So, if you type in 'car as a normal symbol [with a single quote in front of it], it will be the symbol CAR after this normal upper-casing operation.

See the *obarray* system variable in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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