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Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xlstr.c


(string expr)
expr - a symbol, character or string expression
returns - a string


The 'string' function makes the 'expr' to be a string. If the 'expr' is a string, it is returned, as is. If the 'expr' is a character, a one-character string is returned. If the 'expr' is a symbol, the symbol is turned into a string.


(string 'foo)        ; returns "FOO"
(string 'x)          ; returns "X"
(string "abcdef")    ; returns "abcdef"
(string #\a)         ; returns "a"
(string #\A)         ; returns "A"
(string #\Newline)   ; returns "\n"

See the string function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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