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Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xlcont.c


(untrace function ... )
function - a function name
returns - the trace list


The 'untrace' function removes 'function' from the current list of traced functions. 'untrace' returns a list containing the current set of functions that are being traced. If the 'function' does currently exist or is currently be traced, there will be no error reported. If there are no functions being traced, a NIL is returned. A list of all currently traced functions can be found in the *tracelist* system variable.


(defun foo (x) (print (car x)))  ; define FOO
(trace 'foo)                     ; returns (FOO)

(foo '(a))                       ; Entering: FOO, Argument list: ((A))
                                 ; A
                                 ; Exiting: FOO, Value: A
                                 ; returns A

(untrace 'foo)                   ; returns NIL
(untrace 'glip)                  ; returns NIL

(foo '(a))                       ; prints A  returns A

Common Lisp: The XLISP 'untrace' function does not support any options, which Common Lisp allows.

See the untrace function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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