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Type:   -   system variable
Source:   -   xldmem.c




*gc-hook* is a system variable that allows a user function to be performed everytime garbage is collected [either explicitly with gc or automatically]. The default value for *gc-hook* is NIL. When *gc-hook* is set to a non-NIL symbol, it is enabled to execute the specified user routine. The user routine can be a quoted symbol or a closure. There are two parameters to the user routine, the total number of nodes and current free nodes after the garbage collection.


*gc-hook*                           ; returns NIL
(gc)                                ; returns NIL

(defun mygchook (&rest stuff)       ; define the hook
  (print stuff)
  (print "my hook"))

(setq *gc-hook* 'mygchook)          ; set up *GC-HOOK*

(gc)                                ; prints (2640 232)
                                    ;        "my hook"
                                    ; returns NIL

(setq *gc-flag* T)                  ; turn on the system GC message

(gc)                                ; prints
                                    ;   [ gc: total 2640, (2640 241)
                                    ;   "my hook"
                                    ;   236 free ]
                                    ; returns NIL

(setq *gc-flag* NIL)                ; turn off GC message

(setq *gc-hook* (lambda (x y)       ; enable user routine
                  (princ "\007")))  ;   that beeps at every GC

(gc)                                ; beeps

(defun expand-on-gc (total free)    ; define EXPAND-ON-GC
  (if (< (/ free 1.0 total) .1)     ; IF free/total < .10
      (progn (expand 2)             ;    THEN expand memory
             (princ "\007"))))      ;         and beep

                                    ; NOTE: XLISP already gets more nodes
                                    ; automatically, this is just an example.

(setq *gc-hook* 'expand-on-gc)      ; enable EXPAND-ON-GC
(gc)                                ; beeps when low on nodes

Note: The *gc-hook* and *gc-flag* facilities can interact. If you do printing in the *gc-hook* user form and enable *gc-flag* , the *gc-hook* printing will come out in the middle of the *gc-flag* message.

Note: The *gc-hook* user form is evaluated after the execution of the actual garbage collection code. This means that if the user form causes an error, it does not prevent a garbage collection.

Note: Since *gc-hook* is set to a symbol, the user defined form can be changed by doing another defun [or whatever] to the symbol in *gc-hook*. Note also that you should define the symbol first and then set *gc-hook* to the symbol. If you don't, an automatic garbage collection might occur before you set *gc-hook*, generating an error and stopping your program.

See the *gc-hook* system variable in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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